Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cyp 3.1 Support Children and Young People’s Health and Safety

1. 1 There are many different factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services. The factors to take into account when planning indoor healthy and safe environments and services include: Floor area: The floors should be even and easily cleaned and free of clutter and debris that could cause a trip or fall. All mats etc should have gripper underneath so as not to cause a fall. Lighting and air condition: There should be there should be sufficient lighting and air circulation, for eg: on a hot day windows should be opened. Secure hazards around the area in question: Making sure all hazards in the environment are correctly taken care of for eg: depending on child age plug sockets should have covers and stairs have safety gates, all hazardous products and substances are correctly labelled and stored away from reach, medication locked in a secure location. Emergency planning: Making sure that all escape routes are known and instructions are clear and fire exits are not blocked. That fire extinguishers are all clearly labelled. Telephone numbers are to hand if necessary. The factors to take into account when planning outdoor healthy and safe environments and services include: Gaining consent: Written consent for a child/young person to attend the planned event. Individual needs: Evaluating each individual needs for eg a wheelchair user might have difficulty on sand, deaf and hard of hearing individuals would have difficulty at the cinema. If an individual has incontinence needs. Medication users and nutritional needs also have to be assessed and taken into account. Environmental issues: Take into account the weather, if the weather is due to be hot sun cream, hats and water would need to be taken. On cold wet and windy days coats, waterproof clothing and shoes would need to be taken. Emergency planning: Taking along a first aid kit and emergency numbers of contacts and general practitioner. CYP 3. 1 Support children and young people’s health and safety 1. 2 Health and safety is extremely important in the work place. To be able to monitor and maintain a health and safety programme within the workplace a programme of safety issues and checklist need to be negotiated. The negotiated terms and plans put in place are extremely essential to efficiently monitor and maintain health and safety. For worker to then enforce this programme training must take place. It is during the training process that workers will be made aware of and risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely having been shown the safe practices. This training of the practices of health and safety will encourage and ensure that this programme of safety measures are correctly practiced. To ensure this process the programme will need to be monitored. To make sure that the programme is maintained especially to a high standard regular inspection must take place alongside refresher training and testing. Once all workers have been trained in the practice of health and safety there needs to be encouragement given and regular information or practice updates. Daily handover or pre-shift meetings could be used to give information or weekly meetings. A safety tip board could be used; promotions could be used to encourage workers to practice safe work practices. CYP 3. 1 Support children and young people’s health and safety 3. 3 An example from my own practice of risk management whilst supporting children or young people would be whilst preparing a meal with the individuals. Firstly a check would be made to ensure that the individual is able to participate in the activity. Once this was established checks would be made to ensure that there are no food allergies. Basic Hygienic rules of the kitchen would be used such as, hand washing, preparing the area to be used. Whilst cooking especially whilst using Sharpe instruments such as knives care and attention would be practiced and correct chopping boards used for different foods. All pans being used on the hob would be placed with the handle to the rear of the oven to ensure that they could not be knocked over, and safety measures such as making sure oven gloves were used to handle any hot items such as pan handles and oven trays. To ensure that the food was correctly cooked, recipe cards or books etc would be strictly adhered to. Food would be checked to ensure correctly cooked for eg: using food thermometer. If the food was not to be eaten straight away correct measures would be used to store it, especially in the refrigerator. The kitchen would be cleaned and inspected after the event. CYP 3. 1 Support children and young people’s health and safety 4. 1 Accidents Any accident’s that occur should be logged in the accident book and all details filled in i. e. the person or persons in volved in the accident, any injury to the person involved, where the accident took place and the time the accident took place. Any medical attention if needed should also be logged in the book. It is also essential to contact the parents or guardians of the person or persons involved in the accident to be contacted, as well as your supervisor. Incidents In the case of incidents for example if a child or young person gets lost or runs away you should immediately contact the police. You would need to give a full description of the child or young person and what clothing they were wearing and any medication they may be taking at that time. You would also need to inform their social worker and parents of the incident. Emergencies In the case of an emergency such as a fire you should sound the fire alarm and exit the building by the nearest fire exit and make your way clear of the building and contact the fire emergency services immediately. You should only tackle the fire yourself if you feel competent in doing so. Illness In the event of a child or young person becoming ill you should phone for medical advice making shore u let them know of any medication the child or young person may be taking at that time. Also contact the parents and your supervisor to let them know what is happening and when you get back to your work place record what has happed in the log book. CYP 3. 1 Support children and young people’s health and safety 4. 2 Recordings All recordings of accidents, incidents, signs of illness and other emergencies should be logged in the accident book and your supervisor should be notified. Reporting You should report all accidents, incidents, injuries and signs of illness to your employer and depending on the accident, incident, injury and signs of illness seek the correct medical advice.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mgt Module 5

Module 5 – Individual level: motivation concepts and applications 1 Module 5 – Individual level: motivation concepts and applications Learning objectives On successful completion of this module, you should be able to: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Define motivation and identify three key elements of motivations Identify early theories of motivation and evaluate their current use value Apply the predictions of self-determination theory to intrinsic and extrinsic rewards Compare and contrast goal-setting theory and management by objectives Contrast reinforcement theory and goal-setting theory Demonstrate how organisational justice is a refinement of equity theory Apply the key tenets of expectancy theory to motivating employees Compare contemporary theories of motivations Show how motivation theories are culture bound Learning resourcesText Robbins, SP, Judge, T, Millett, B & Boyle, M 2011, Organisational behaviour, Chapter 7. Introduction to Module 5 Welcome to Module 5 of MGT1000. I give this module about a 4. 5 rating – the theory is heavier going. There are about 22 pages from the text. Also this module is about 7 pages long. There are no must do tasks but there is still an application exercise that can take up as much time as you want to invest in it. The application is a mini essay writing exercise. The mind map that follows illustrates where we are up to in the individual level of the course so far.In this module we will be discussing theories of motivation and their workplace applications. Motivation is a critical issue within workplaces today. It is not sufficient that employees simply turn up at work. Employers want highly productive and motivated employees. You already know that workplace productivity can be enhanced by ensuring a sound fit between employee personality and job requirements, between employer and employee values and  © University of Southern Queensland 2 MGT1000 – Organisational behaviour between employee preferences and the culture and structure of the organisation.You will also realise from previous modules that in creating a motivating workplace it is employee perception of the workplace, rather than the reality of the workplace, that will influence employee performance. In this module you will learn ways that managers can make the workplace more motivating for employees. The most basic premise of this module is that motivation is not a trait like personality, but rather something that managers can encourage or discourage. Module 3 Attitudes and job satisfaction Module 4 Personality and values Module 5 Motivation Absenteeism †¢Job satisfaction †¢Turnover †¢Productivity †¢Organisational citizenship †¢Deviant workplace behaviour This first exercise will give you a chance to clarify your own (everyday) everyday experience of motivation. Learning activity 5. 1 Think of one thing you have been putting off doing. Perhaps you have a friend you have been meaning to contact; perh aps you have some task around the house you have not completed yet. Perhaps you have not been able to maintain your exercise program. Or perhaps you have had difficulty getting all your study completed.Think about these 2 questions 1. Why are you putting yourself under pressure to do this thing? 2. Why haven’t you done this thing yet?  © University of Southern Queensland Module 5 – Individual level: motivation concepts and applications 3 Learning activity 6. 1 de-brief I expect we all have things we have not done that we feel we should have done. So I assume no one had difficulty thinking of something they had put off. The following two definitions of motivation show considerable consistency and can be helpful in understanding your inability to do the task you nominated. We define motivation as the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort towards attaining a goal’ (Robbins, Judge, Millett, & Boyle 2011, p . 176) ‘Motivation refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. ’(Gordon, 1999 p. 534) Both definitions seem to regard persistence as essential to motivation. Perhaps you may have lacked the persistence or continuing effort required to complete the task?In addition the definitions refer to enthusiasm or intensity – both of which can be regarded as a measure of ‘how hard’ you were prepared to work (Robbins et al. 2011 p. 176). Perhaps this is where you had your difficulty? Finally, both definitions state there needs to be some kind of purpose – variously described as direction, a goal or a course of action – that is essential to motivation. It would appear because you could articulate what you were supposed to do then at least you did have a goal, even if it is yet to be achieved. The question remains ‘Why haven’t we done this thing if we still feel we need to do it? Perhaps one of the reasons you gave for not completing this task was that it simply was too hard. Indeed the text says no matter how motivated someone is, if they truly lack the ability to do a task then it is impossible for them to do it. So if you truly lack the ability required to do the task then perhaps you should stop trying to do this task. Similarly if one of the reasons you gave for not doing this task was a lack of time, again this may be a legitimate reason for not doing the task. Robbins et al. (2011, p. 176) view motivation as a series of processes.That is, if a person lacks opportunity (for example the required time to complete a task), it does not matter how motivated or how gifted they are they simply will not be able to do the task. But perhaps your task was within your ability arrange and you had the opportunity to do it. The question remains, ‘Why didn’t you do it? ’ The definitions listed above may provide some answers. While Robbins et al. (2011) make no comment on the origins of motivation, Gordon (1999 p. 534) however, refers to motivation as ‘forces either within or external to a person’.These internal and external forces are very important in understanding Herzberg’s theory and its later developments. These two factors (internal and external factors) are the two factors that give Herzberg’s two factor theory its name. Herzberg refers to these 1) external and 2) internal factors as 1) extrinsic or hygiene factors and 2) intrinsic factors or motivators respectively. These two factors are like the oil and petrol in your car. They are quite separate, but you need both to be at the right level for the car to work well.In a car you have a petrol gauge that indicates if your tank is full or empty. It indicates if you have petrol or no petrol. So Herzberg refers to his 2 factors in the same terms. For example if you have no motivators (like no petrol) this is refer red to as a state of ‘no satisfaction’. If you have motivators (like a full tank of petrol) you have ‘satisfaction’. Interestingly, Herzberg does not regard satisfaction as the opposite of dissatisfaction. So let  © University of Southern Queensland 4 MGT1000 – Organisational behaviour e confirm, a lack of satisfaction is referred to by Herzberg as being a state of ‘no satisfaction’ not a state of dissatisfaction. The jargon in this theory is a little confusing at first, but Herzberg is making an important point. When you understand that point the jargon is easy to understand. Again consider the reasons you gave for not acting and the reasons you gave for continuing to put pressure on yourself. According to Herzberg’s two factor theory (Robbins et al. 2011, p. 178–80) only intrinsic factors are truly motivating. Intrinsic factors amount to way the task makes you feel.For example, if you stated the job is too boring or not very enjoyable that is an example of a task that is simply not motivating. That is why you lacked motivation and ultimately did not complete the task – it was simply not an intrinsically rewarding task. According to Herzberg extrinsic or hygiene factors will never truly motivate you to complete a task (Robbins et al. 2011, p. 178–80). So even if for example, one of the reasons you gave to complete the task was that you would be paid to complete it, then although you may have found the payment acceptable, it could not actually motivate you to do the task.The pay could only ever be experienced by you as good pay or bad pay for the job involved. In either event the pay itself would not motivate you to do the job – only the job’s intrinsic qualities and opportunities can truly motivate. There are many critics of Herzberg’s theory and his original research methods (Robbins et al. 2011, p. 178)and also the other earlier theories of motivation. For examp le refer to Robbins et al. (2011, p. 177) for a critique of Maslow’s theory.The text provides an overview of contemporary theories of motivation that have a reasonable degree of research validity. These theories address employee motivation and include the Self-determination theory, Goal-setting theory, Self-efficacy theory, Reinforcement theory, Equity theory and Expectancy theory. These theories provide guidelines for managers about how to enhance workplace motivation in their employees. Self-efficacy theory, for instance, argues that ‘an individual’s belief that he or she is capable of performing a task’ (Robbins et al. 2011, p. 186) influences their performance.According to this theory, employees with low selfefficacy (self belief) will exert less effort when they receive negative feedback whereas employees with high self-efficacy will increase their effort (Robbins et al. 2011, p. 187-80). Managers who focus on increasing self-efficacy in employees by setting difficult goals for them and encouraging them to perform better, can expect increased employee performance. You can see that the goal-setting theory is also applicable here – setting specific and difficult goals and providing feedback can lead to higher performance (Robbins et al. 011, p. 184). You will also read this week about ‘Equity’ theory which takes quite a different view of what motivates or ‘de-motivates’ us. Equity theory’s basic tenant is that the perception of equitable reward (such as salary) is quite essential to motivation. Most simply stated if you as an employee feel you are relatively poorly treated – for example, poorly paid as compared with others – then your motivation will suffer. In your reading you will be exposed to the mechanism of the ‘comparable worth’ as a way to create rewards systems for jobs that create equity in the workplace.Finally, you will read about expectancy theory this week which takes another quite different view of motivation. Expectancy theory is all about the expectancies or in lay terms ‘expectations’ employees have about their work and its rewards. If an employee 1) does not expect (or believe) they have the ability to complete the job to the required standard and or 2) does not expect (or believe) that the organisation will recognise their work when it is completed to the required standard and or 2) does not expect (or believe) the reward the organisation offers is worthwhile, then the employee’s motivation will suffer.You will read  © University of Southern Queensland Module 5 – Individual level: motivation concepts and applications 5 how expectancy theory can be applied to the workplace through the use of flexible benefits that allow employees to work towards rewards they truly value. Learning objectives from the text ? ? Define motivation and identify three key elements of motivations – Read ‘De fining motivation’ page 176. Identify early theories of motivation and evaluate their current use value – Read ‘Early theories of motivation’ page 176 – 181, up to the end of ‘McClelland’s theory of needs’, page 181.Apply the predictions of self-determination theory to intrinsic and extrinsic rewards– Read ‘Contemporary theories of motivation’ page 181 – 3. Compare and contrast goal-setting theory and management by objectives – Read page 184 – 188, up to the end of ‘Self-efficacy theory’ on page 188. Contrast reinforcement theory and goal-setting theory – Read ‘Reinforcement theory’ page 188 – 9. Demonstrate how organisational justice is a refinement of equity theory – Read ‘Equity theory/organisational justice’ page 189 – 92.Apply the key tenets of expectancy theory to motivating employees – Read ‘Expectancy t heory’ page 193 – 4 and ‘Flexible benefits; Developing a benefits package’ page 222. Compare contemporary theories of motivations – Read ‘Integrating contemporary theories of motivation’ page 194 – 5. Show how motivation theories are culture bound – Read ‘Global Implications’ page 196. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? We also suggest that you read Summary and Implications for Managers’ that provides you with a good summary of the theories covered in the readings.Application exercise This week’s application exercise is one I have used previously with students. You are asked to write a 5 paragraph essay titled ‘The day I hated my job more than I thought humanly possible’ or an essay titled ‘The day I loved my job more than I thought humanly possible’. In either case use Herzberg’s theory to explain why you hated or loved your job so much on that day. This is a quick exercise to get yo u thinking about 1) how to structure an essay and 2) how to apply theory to a case study.I have attached an example of an essay submitted by a previous student to help you. What follows are the quick tips on how to write a good OBM essay that were covered in module 2.  © University of Southern Queensland 6 MGT1000 – Organisational behaviour A good OBM essay has four main parts. ? ? You will always need a one paragraph introduction that states the overall theme of your essay and outlines the content of the essay. This will be the first paragraph of the essay. This will be followed by a series of paragraphs that present the real contents of your essay.This is sometimes referred to as the body of the essay. In this case this will only be 3 paragraphs. (You can have more if you really need them, but this is meant to be a short and sweet exercise to get the brain cells going – not a marathon). These will include the facts of your best or worst day at work and your referen ces to Herzberg’s theory that explain the experience. Visit this webpage at the USQ Library and follow the clicks for information on how to cite sources in essays using the Harvard Referencing system .This will be followed by a one paragraph conclusion that restates the main theme of your paper, summarises the main points raised in the body of your paper and ends with a strong ‘concluding’ sentence This will be followed by a ‘List of references’. This is a list of the full bibliographical details or any source (for example text book or journal article) that you cite in the essay. I expect in this essay you would only list the text as a source. ? ? A good OBM essay also includes theory that has been applied to the case study.I suggest you use the three sentence formula listed below to apply theory to a case study. In each paragraph include: 1. One or two sentences containing a bite size piece of theory 2. Followed by one or two sentences containing a bite size piece of case study 3. Followed by a linking sentence – that explains how exactly the theory is linked to the case study. An example 1. Bite size piece of theory According to Herzberg jobs that afford opportunities for growth can potentially be a source of job satisfaction (Robbins et al. 2011, p. 179) 2. Bite size piece of case study I certainly ound my job at that time challenging in a positive way. I was involved in a short-term, cutting edge project aiming to develop a completely new range of client services. 3. Linking sentence. My involvement in the client services project gave me an excellent opportunity for professional growth. My positive experience of my job at that time was therefore highly consistent with Herzberg’s notion of a job with job satisfaction. The same material presented as a paragraph. According to Herzberg jobs that afford opportunities for growth can potentially be a source of job satisfaction (Robbins et al. 011, p. 179. ) I certain ly found my job at that time challenging in a positive way. I was involved in a short-term, cutting edge project aiming to develop a completely new range of client services. My involvement in the  © University of Southern Queensland Module 5 – Individual level: motivation concepts and applications 7 client services project gave me an excellent opportunity for professional growth. My positive experience of my job at that time was therefore highly consistent with Herzberg’s notion of a job with job satisfaction.You may have to go through a few more drafts of the paragraph to get it saying exactly what you want it to, but that is the basic process. Finally, you may be wondering how to relate bits of theory to bits of case study. You might find a pen and paper tool like this one below useful. In the left hand column you will see the motivators and hygiene factors listed. (This is the theory you are expected to use in this essay). In the right column there is room for you to list the elements of your story that relate to these factors. You do not need to have an entry next to each piece of theory.The idea is that you would look at the completed grid and then decide what the pattern is. Did your job have lots of problems with the motivators? Were there additional problems with the hygiene factors? What was the overall pattern is the case study? This then becomes the theme of your essay. Motivators Achievement Recognition Work itself Responsibility Advancement Growth Case study elements Hygiene factors Company policy and administration Supervision Relationship with supervisor Work conditions Relationship with peers Personal life Relationship with subordinates Status Security SalaryCase study elements  © University of Southern Queensland 8 MGT1000 – Organisational behaviour Summary This module has focussed on motivation as a process that managers need to understand in order to try to create motivating jobs and reward systems in the workplace. You have covered both earlier theories of motivation and contemporary theories. You have also had an opportunity to put pen to paper and attempt an essay in this course. Presentation 5. 1 Ch7_motivation Reference list Gordon, J 1999, Organizational behaviour: a diagnostic approach, 6th edn, Prentice Hall, NJ.Mann, S 2004, ‘People-work: emotion management, stress and coping’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 205–21, viewed 12 December, EBSCOhost database Academic Search Premier, item: AN13121438. McShane, S & Von Glinow, M 2005, Organizational behaviour, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston. Robbins, SP, Judge, T, Millett, B & Boyle, M 2011, Organisational behaviour, 6th edn, Pearson Education, French’s Forest. Gordon, J 1999, Organizational behaviour: a diagnostic approach, 6th edn, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.  © University of Southern Queensland

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analyse The Factors Affecting The Strategic Plans

Analyse The Factors Affecting The Strategic Plans Tesco plc is a well-established and consistently growing food retailer global company operating in UK and many other countries like USA, Europe, Thailand, China, Japan and so on. It was established in 1919 by Jack Cohen, when he sold some groceries in the stall in East London and then it later lead to the opening of the first Tesco store in 1929 in North London. Using the well-researched and consistent strategy for growth, Tesco has been able to strengthen their core UK business and lead them to expand into new markets. Tesco has already been declared as the no.1 superstore in UK against its rivals Asda, Sainsbury and Morrison. Tesco is still aiming to broaden the scope of their business to enable it to deliver strong sustainable long-term growth by following the customers into the basic and the large expanding markets at cheaper price. Currently, Tesco has over 2200 stores in UK and has been able to reach every possible customer through its different types of outlets as superstore, metro, extra, express and by various means as online shopping through Tesco direct, Reserve and collect plus loyalty/club cards, insurance, clothing, banking and financial services, telecoms, insurance. So this report will be identifying Tesco’s vision, Mission, its current strategic objectives, evaluates them and analyses the factors that will be affecting strategic plan. The purpose of this case study is to review and determine the organizational strategic aims and objectives identify and analyse the progress towards organizational strategic aims and objectives and to determine and evaluate strategic options to support a revised strategic position. 1.1 Identify the current strategic aims and objectives TESCO’S STRATEGY Our well-established and consistent strategy for growth has given the business momentum to grow through the downturn. (1) Long term Strategy According to Tesco’s official website it is clearly evident that Tesco has a well-established and consi stent strategy for growth. The rationale for the strategy is to broaden the scope of the business to enable it to deliver strong, sustainable long-term growth by following customers into large expanding markets at home – such as financial services, non-food and telecoms – and new markets abroad, initially in Central Europe and Asia and more recently in the United States. Objectives:- The objectives of the strategy are: Successful global retailer Tesco aims to be one of the most successful global retailer organisation in the world. With this idea in mind they have opened stores in many other countries like Canada, USA, Europe, Thailand, China and Middle East. Growth in core UK business Tesco also aims on growing its business as the core UK business as it is originated here. It had 1500 stores in UK in 2007 whereas the number has reached to over 2000 by now. And it has diversified its market from only being a food retailer to selling fuel, clothes, housing, finance, bank ing, insurance, mobile broad band and electronics. Strong non food retailer As Tesco has been known for its food items and is the leader in food retailing, Tesco also aims to develop the rest of the retailing it has been doing. They are working hard to be as strong in non-food as they are in food.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Functions and Processes (Google. Communication and Research Paper

Business Functions and Processes (Google. Communication and Information Technology) - Research Paper Example Moreover, changing supplementary, either by incorporating computer investments without firm change in organization, or only partially enforcing some organizational requirements and changes, can generate significant productivity losses as any advantages of computerization are normally more than outshined by negative interactions with present organizational policies and practices (Brynjolfsson, Renshaw and Van Alstyne 1997). The necessity for ‘all or nothing’ changes between complementary systems was a part of the logic behind the organizational reengineering shift period during the era of 1990s (Hammer 1990). Furthermore, it can also elaborate why many large scale information technology projects are unable to perform as expected and miserably fail (Kemerer and Sosa 1991), while successful information technology adopters earn substantial rents (Brynjolfsson and Hitt 2000).There are various examples reflecting the historically high cost of information gathering and processi ng as well. For example, hierarchical organizational structures can diminish communications costs because they reduce the number of communications links essential to connect multiple economic factors as compared with the more decentralized hierarchical structures (Malone 1987; Radner 1993). Analogously, producing simple and standardized products remains to be the most efficient way to utilize scale intensive and inflexible manufacturing technology. However, as the cost of automated information processing has diminished by over 99.9 percent since the 1960s, it is not likely that the work practices of the earlier era will remain the same ones that best leverage the value of inexpensive information along with flexible production. In this spirit, Milgrom and Roberts (1990) develop and provide a model in which firm’s transformation and transition from ‘mass production’ to flexible, computer-enabled modern manufacturing’ is pushed by exogenous changes in the inf ormation technology price. Within the same context, the Bresnahan (1999) and Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000) highlight that how changes in information technology costs and capabilities direct to a cluster of changes in work organization and firm strategy increasing the demand for skilled labour. Changing interactions with the suppliers Managing a constant and result-orientated interaction and correspondence with suppliers offers numerous pitfalls. The organizations are generating a view that it is no more a feasible option to permanently rely on suppliers and may not disregard this option as for as the short term objectives are concerned. The organizations contend that suppliers have not been able to expectedly fulfil their role and part of work and they provide their excuses for delays. Keeping this view in mind and due to other problems coordinating with external suppliers, large firms often generate and develop many of their required inputs in-house. General Motors is the appropriate successful story of a company whose success was considerably supported by high levels of vertical integration. However, the latest technologies such as internet-based procurement systems, electronic data interchanges and other inter-organizational information systems have substantially diminished business process cost, business design and development cost and other difficulties of interacting with suppliers. Within the same

Hemorrhage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hemorrhage - Research Paper Example In many cases, tissues and vessels are scarred and damaged during the delivery process. This presents a situation where blood continuously flows after the delivery (Anderson, 2007). The uterus is also at risk of losing its ability to contract. This leads to the flow of blood without the ability to self contain itself and stop. In other instances, some tissues and vessels may be retained in the uterus causing the bleeding to occur. This is also made quite difficult if the woman is suffering from a blood disorder (Knight, 2009). The disorder affects the entire body’s clotting system. This will then inhibit the body’s ability to stop any bleeding. This data has created a scenario where there is an urgent need to find the most effective and efficient way to prevent and treat hemorrhage. This is with the aim of reducing all the PPH related complications and deaths that occur all over the world (Anderson, 2007). There have been very many studies that have been conducted to de al with the PPH issue. They all aim to identify the best procedure to deal with the issue of PPH. In one study, it was observed that there are trends that can be monitored and observed in many of the cases of PPH. The International PPH which is a Collaborative Group conducted studies in some countries. The countries included the US, Belgium, France, UK, Canada and Australia. They observed that there was a very close connection between PPH patients in the countries. The research did not highlight on the criteria used to select the above mentioned case study countries (Miller, 2004). It is also important to note that they were observing trends from developed countries. This had the sole aim of identifying the observations arrived at from the research. It would have been essential to observe some developing countries. This would have provided a great contrast for the study. Research of prevention and management of PPH shows high chances of problem identification and correction. Once da ta has been collected, it is easy to observe the trends. They offer a healthy basis to understand very many factors that have been previously ignored. Some factors include the effect of the environment on the pregnant woman. Another trend includes the effect of prolonged labour on her reproductive system. There is an obvious conclusion that there are some issues that are arrived at based on observations. The research concludes that there is a need to insist on prevention of PPH. This is as compared to treating it once it has occurred (Anderson, 2007). Doctors should be very observant of their patients before and after the delivery process. It is crucial for doctors to observe the patients general weight and anaemic tendencies. This will ensure that some of the possible causes of PPH are eliminated. The doctor should then find out the patient’s history in respect to previous births (Bhau, 2008). Historical information is very important as it will help identify if there are cha nces for the hemorrhage to occur. In all the researches conducted, there is an agreement of the two distinct methods to deal with PPH. They include all the medical procedures as well as surgical ones. In many cases, patients receive both treatments. This is with the aim of reversing the amount and levels of hemorrhage experienced by the patients. The most common medicinal component used to cure PPH is the drug Oxytocin. It is very common because unlike Misoprostol it has no side

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Answer questions'' a doctors visit'' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer questions'' a doctors visit'' - Essay Example The assistant is hot-tempered: He gets upset when the governess said that the doctor of the factory had given Liz calibrate, but it’s high time to change. Korolyov said the factory doctor to continue attending the girl not to change. The family is as being desperate; this is shown when they say that they have gone to many doctors to seek treatment, but they have not succeeded. The family is seen to be loving and cooperative as shown by the strong concern for their daughter. The setting of the story reflects a desperate family that is very wealthy, but the inheritor of the wealth the only daughter is ailing. The family is striving to do anything for her recovery with the doctors coming at home. The initial diagnosis of the doctor he thought to be nerves problem that is common as the heart was normal. The doctors see the girl and by observation she is at the right age for marriage. This is a concern to him as the disease may be due to stress not merely heart disease. The doctors had not relieved Lizanka’s concern since after saying it could be related to nerves problem, not the heart she sobbed into tears. The doctor was upset when he heard that Liz was being cared by another doctor since the governess said she needed change of treatment he thought it better to be treated by one doctor. Madame Lyalikov pleads for him to sleep since she feared for the death of her only child. The doctors felt uneasy since his family was expecting him at Moscow, and that was a strange place but eventually accepted for sympathy of the girl. The doctor unable to sleep, walk outside and view the factories ad barracks. He thought of the family as having workers who are working under horrible circumstances being fine and undergoing starvation. The family is wealthy their cry is the cause of the Lizankas sickness. The doctor’s prejudices are being challenged when he sees the governess as the only happy person and is a figurehead, but the person whom

Friday, July 26, 2019

Calculate a puzzle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Calculate a puzzle - Essay Example Hence, dynamic search function and control optimization are major primitives to construct search utilities for stochastic system processes to ensure converged resource accesses. This research focuses on optimization of general search solution methods and proposes a formal search utility framework, algorithms rooted from Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Dynamic Programming (DP) techniques. To reduce space complexity within large dimension search spaces, a memoryless2 Q learning is augmented with self-organized index structure and algorithms for exact state-action value function mapping to optimize search procedures for optimal policies. Data parallelization is ensured with this paged based index value mapping function. Hence, time complexity is reduced with threaded search parallelism. Convergence analysis and error estimation are presented for numeric and information evaluation. Finally, simulation and learning results are presented and discussed. For search strategies in the settings of problem solving and reasoning, search problem formulation represents many combinatorial optimization problems of search approximation with action control optimization. All aspects of search task environment represent various classes of applications, such as routing, scheduling, speech recognition, scene analysis and intrusion detection pattern matching. By given a directional graph G with distinguished starting state Sstart and a set of goal

Thursday, July 25, 2019

History of the tatto culture in New York city Essay

History of the tatto culture in New York city - Essay Example Tattooing culture was re- introduced in the Western world in the sixteenth century with Anglo- Saxons kings of England getting tattooed. Since then, the culture of tattooing has been gaining prominence gradually across the world. Presently, it is normal to find people with a tattoo in virtually all parts of the world including those countries that are considered too religious and conservative. In fact, since the 1990s, tattoos have been considered as one of the major parts of Western and indeed global fashion, that cuts across gender, age, and economic classes (Gilbert 6-7). This discussion will focus on the history of the tattoo with specific reference to New York City (NYC), United States. Before discussing the history of tattoo in NYC, it is important to understand what tattoo means. A tattoo refers to a design, which is carved permanently into the skin through the insertion of indelible ink into the skin’s dermis layer in order to change the pigment. On humans, tattoos are a type of modification to the body while on animals they are mostly used for identification purposes. The word tattoo came from the term ‘tatua’, which a Tahitian word is meaning to mark (Rainer 11). In recent times, the tattoo has gained social acceptance and is very popular in the US. It is estimated that, in 2010, about 38% of the US’ Generation Y had tattoos. The culture of tattooing in the US dominantly took root in the 1800s. This art was sparked by the immigrants around this time.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and contrast christianity and islam Essay

Compare and contrast christianity and islam - Essay Example This, perhaps, is as a result of the fact that Islam follows Christianity the chronology of world religions. Some – and they would not be completely wrong to suggest it – suggest that Islam is built from the writings and teachings of Christianity. This essay will examine the similarities and the differences between these two dominant world faiths through a discussion focused on two distinctly different yet related stories contained their respective scriptures, the Bible and the Qu’ran; the stories of Ascension and Armageddon. If we look for commonalties between Islam and Christianity, one of the most poignant commonalities is the ascension of Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammad. In Christianity, the ascension of Christ is discussed without ambiguity in Acts 1:9-11, and is referenced with less specificity in Luke 24:51 (Filson, Floyd, 1956, p. 49). While it tends to be the practice of many Christians to focus on the Resurrection as the most important event in the life and death of Jesus Christ, the event which should be the most significant is the Ascension, because it is the fulfillment of the promise made by Jesus during his testimony before the masses. â€Å"For the first Christians, the Resurrection was not the end of the story; it was the climax which leads to momentous developments. Jesus was exalted at the right hand of God (Acts: 2:33) (Filson, 1956, p. 49).† The language that is used to discuss the Ascension of Christ is one of mankind, in order that Christians be able to visualize Jesus in heave; because, as Floyd Filson points out in his book, Jesus Christ: The Risen Lord, it serves the Christian understanding to be able to visualize Christ sitting in heaven at the right hand of God (1956, p. 50). This visualization facilitates the more meaningful idea of the Exaltation of Christ in heaven with God (1956, p. 50). â€Å". . . indeed, eleven New Testament books, by at least seven different writers, refer clearly to this

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My strengths and weakness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My strengths and weakness - Essay Example I also responded to critical questions about financial products such as procedures for money transfer, steps of opening electronic banking and password configurations. I have utilized my good communications to enhance the communities through; resolving differences and integrating different communities with a view to satisfying their needs thus, solving their problems. Creativity has greatly expounded my mind to think beyond the world of imagination. In my business experiences at Citibank, I thought and recommended: "Money Management Sumer Camp" which was accepted by the company and also inquired fascinating in-depth questions about work. Through my creative mind, I have been able to divide spaces and encounters in public places so as to minimize social barriers and impact relationships between people and communities. Enthusiasm has been the core pillar of my social development.In my trainee duties at Citibank, China I was ever passionate about my job and people, passionate about help ing individual clients open and close banking accounts. In my community, I have carried out extensive social responsibilities such as the provision of food, clothing, and mentorship to poor, afflicted and needy in the society. However, my greatest weakness has been due to poor time management. This has been as a result of numerous tasks running simultaneously thus making me difficult to choose the right activity to be completed first. I am working on this through the formulation of diaries to guiding me in the right procedures.

Public Opinion and policy Essay Example for Free

Public Opinion and policy Essay In Public Opinion: Democratic Ideals, Democratic Practice, Rosalee Clawson and Zoe Oxley interpret public opinion as an individual’s beliefs and preferences in regards to all governmental matters and policies.(424) These individual ideas collectively are viewed as the overall populations opinions summarized and can be reflected by a poll. By collecting these opinions through the polling process, lawmakers are likely to take these opinions into consideration when creating and/or regulating a policy. In 1824 The Harrisburg Pennsylvanian newspaper conducted one such poll where the readers were asked to return a postcard with their opinion about the presidential candidates; Andrew Jackson or John Quincy Adams. Jackson won the poll as well as the eventual election.(Franklin) This style of opinion polling has increased over the years and evolved into a more refined and accurate representation of the public. For instance, instead of submitting an untraceable, anonymous postcard, people are instead asked to submit a survey and are required to submit some personal information, which will remain anonymous, in order to prevent the chance of someone submitting more than one survey. Due to the availability of the telephones and the internet, we are able to survey a larger and more diverse group of citizens which will allow for more accurate results. As voters, we are able to have some control over who represents our opinions as well as who we believe will make decisions that are truly for the betterment of the people and society. By understanding the five linkage models established by Norman Luttbeg (Robert Kent, 20-21) we are able to see how public opinion can sway the formulation of a public policy. 1. The Rational-Activist Model assumes that all voting citizens are level-headed, informed, involved and politically active individuals. This model presents the idea that if representatives do not make decisions to satisfy the demands of the people, then the people will replace that representative. This model is the least likely to be apparent since the majority of the public does not keep close tabs on political actions. The largest flaw with this model is that we are assuming all voters are educated and rational about a particular issue and/or candidate. 2. The Political Parties Model takes place when an individual has an overall agreement with the ideals of an individual party. Citizens identify with a party whose overall attitude and beliefs mesh with their own. A major flaw within this model is the idea that representatives feel  pressured to take actions that are for the betterment of the party but not always for the individual citizen. 3. The Interest Groups Model establishes that the public can express their opinions to lawmakers by forming a group who will advocate for a collective cause. The groups place pressure on the lawmakers and parties electorally by rallying behind those that will publicly promote them. As well as monetarily by donating funds to those individuals and/or parties. By understanding this particular model we are able to see the likelihood of one group being more represented than another in society. This would create strife among the people as the group who is the least wealthy would be more likely to be underrepresented even though that group could contain a more accurate representation of the overall public opinion. 4. The Delegate Model maintains that a representative is elected based on the candidates values but not necessarily their stance on the issues. This model varies from the Rational Activist model in that it places more responsibility on the candidate to follow the opinions of the constituency or face being replaced and not place the responsibility on the public to educate themselves. While the Delegate Model and the Rational Activist Model are very similar the key difference is in noting that this model places more pressure on a candidate to follow their constituency’s ideas even if the candidate believes that other options would be in the best interest of the constituents. 5. The Sharing Model speaks on the idea that a representative will act on their own belief that may not be in complete alignment with their constituency but due to the unlikelihood that the lawmaker will go directly against their constituency they are still placing public opinion in their favor. This model overwhelmingly displays that a representatives values and character may come more into consideration with a voter than that representatives stance on a particular issue. (WK 2008) When we say population we are referring to a large mass of people that represent the summation of a geographical area. (Robert Kent, 28) Population can be that of a country, state, city or even a university leading to extremely large groups of people that would take too much time to poll individually. Within any given population we take samples, collect data from a subdivision of a population in an effort to estimate the overall opinions of the collective group. Within these subsets of populations the results may not be a completely accurate reflection of the overall population. Religion,  race and income are factors that can greatly sway the outcome but most instances are unintentional. (US History) A biased sample is where there has been a methodical selection of the participants in an effort to achieve a planned outcome. An unintentional occurrence might take place with a telephone sampling. The University of Texas at Austin elaborated on this bias in regards to telephone sampling. For instance, if the amount of people who are without phones, or those who simply don’t answer the phone are not considered this can greatly skew the results. Truly random samplings are where the participants are participating solely due to chance and where every varying subset of citizens h as an equal chance to be selected. (Rosalee Zoe, 29-30) A sample will very rarely get the exact percentages as it is highly likely that they will miss a group of people since the entire population is not participating and we are taking smaller groups to represent the entirety. The confidence level is a mathematical probability measure that tells us how reliable our data is in terms of accuracy. We keep this probability to a manageable number by keeping the number of individuals polled low. Polls are kept to less than 1,000 respondents due to the margin of error as well as the fact that the accuracy improves only marginally with larger samples. (Robert Kent 30) The 1936 poll conducted by Literacy Digest proclaimed that the Republican candidate was likely to be the overwhelming winner of the Presidential election when in actuality it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt that won the bid for President. Seeing as how this poll was conducted at a time where the majority of people were dealing with the aftermath of the stock market crash and the subsequent great depression we can infer that the majority of the people polled were people who had the funds to subscribe to a weekly magazine, owned a telephone and possibly an automobile. The Republican candidate was projec ted to be the winner most likely due to the affluent Republican participants of the survey. During this same election George Gallup’s American Institute of Public Opinion did project the winner to be Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which placed the Gallup poll into the spotlight. It is believed that the Gallup poll was able to accurately predict the outcome due to their preference of using a smaller and more diverse sample. (Polling the Nations) Ideologies are the beliefs of an individual about the various social, cultural, political and economic operations within a society. An individual forms opinions based on their beliefs, life experience, genetics and many factors that as a whole make up their political ideology. (Rosalee Zoe, p62) The liberal ideology is based on the beliefs that government intervention in economic matters, as well as a basic belief in the equality of the people. While a conservatives ideology is based on the beliefs that there should be minimal government intervention in all matters, as well as an emphasis on tradition and individual responsibility. (Robert Kent, p72-73) There are five main influences that will affect how a person develops their ideology; family, gender, religion, ethnicity, and/or region. All of these influences will combine, influencing the opinions and beliefs of the citizen. Since a person develops opinions based on the experiences and knowledge they have developed over the course of their lives, there can be instances where a person can completely flip-flop on their original ideals as time progresses and while this is highly unlikely it is still possible.( Pelin, Erik, Jackie†¦) For instance, a person who grew up in an affluential conservative household may find as they get older and more independent that their view of the world is vastly different from that of their families. This can also lead to strife amongst families in instances where there is an obvious divide on the ideals. A person who is witness to the exchange of ideas between the opposing sides is likely to be influenced by the attitudes and opinions of the peop le while also comparing those individuals’ ideals to their behaviors, character, and reliability. Conservatives and Liberals have very different ideological standpoints and many Americans tend to lean towards one or the other in regards to their personal beliefs toward public policy making and governing styles. However, it has been discovered that the majority of the present American public do not identify themselves as adhering to one strict ideology but instead place themselves somewhere in the middle. (Robert Kent, p83) Conservatives have the highest percentage of individuals who are strict ideologues. (Gallup-a) But there are many individuals from either side that can be uncompromising  in their ideals and take their truth as the one and only truth. In understanding a person’s chosen ideology we are faced with an interesting fact; that while most people tend to identify themselves as conservative, the overall majority of the public tends to vote more liberally. (John, 2014) Conservatives are ideologically defined by their strict adherence to traditional values and practices as well as their support for little to no governmental regulation and their emphasis on individual citizens taking personal responsibility. Liberals are alternatively defined by their belief that the government should be active in the regulation of the people in order to protect the citizens from the possibility of unequal and discriminatory actions. (Rosalee Zoe, p134) Liberals are also recognized by their beliefs in the overall equality of citizens, protection of liberties and progressive thinking that is based on the idea that there is overall an essential goodness to the mass populous. While there are vast differences between these opposing sides, it is possible to see how a person may agree with a conservative view of government while simultaneously believing in the humanist attributes of the liberal view. Individuals will usually develop an allegiance to a particular party (typically Democrat or Republican, though many other political parties have emerged), or will categorize themselves as being an independent of a specific party affiliation. An individual’s party identification gives us a better idea on how that person will vote in elections as people tend to follow their elected party’s specific views on an issue as well as electorally support a political leader of the party, but that is not always the case. Party identification has been described as being a psychological identification, or being the way an individual has come to their current attitudes towards public policy by way of their individual life experience, that will continue to influence how new information is processed. (Thomas Geoffrey) If we were to question an individual’s likelihood to remain a steady voter for one particular party, the Michigan Model theory will give us such a theory to go on as this model emphasizes an individual’s party attachment is  predominately stable. One noticeable flaw in this theory is if a party were to change their stance on an issue that overwhelmingly goes against the beliefs or ideals of the individual, the voter may then vote against the party if not possibly switch parties altogether. But this is unlikely as the voter is more likely to respond to the performances of their elected representatives than to their ideologies alone. (Harold, David, Marianne Paul) By looking at the present day Republican Party we are able to see they are typically very conservative in their views, which may be why more and more religious people vote in accordance with this party. The Republican party favors towards older, affluent and white males while the Democratic party tends to be more diverse. The Democratic Party contains a very diverse group of people and is weighted in the areas of women, race and sexual orientation. (Gallup-b) The majority of younger Americans also identifies with the Democratic Party. By seeing the makeup of these parties we can deduce that it is likely the Democrats are representative of a â€Å"new school† wave that is pushing for a more liberalistic approach. (Adam, 2014) The presidential approval rating is one of the main political opinion polls taken and focused on by the media. This ranking shows whether the public generally approves or disapproves of the job performance of the person holding America’s highest office. In studying the inconsistent falls and climbs of the approval rating there have been certain trends believed to be the cause of some high points during a presidential term. (Rosalee Zoe, 109) The honeymoon effect is the first trend that will take place during the days after a President takes office. This effect refers to the initial phase after the swearing in of the president into the office. Since this man is entering office with a clean sheet, and has recently come off of an approval high as evidenced by his election, people are more likely to be optimistic towards actions taken by the president. Eventually there will come a time where a problem is encountered and the president’s plan of action will no doubtedly upse t a cluster of people. After this point there can be varying reasons for the day-to-day rising and falling of the approval rating. (Robert Kent, 120) In some instances a presidents rating can climb when the nation has been confronted with a foreign event that involves America and possibly a crisis for the American people. This idea is referred to as the rally round the flag effect. Robert Erikson and Kent Tedin write in American Public Opinion (121) this effect is likely to occur due to the desire of the American people to feel united behind a leader. One of the most accurate examples of this would be the attitude of the American people after the attacks that took place on 9/11 and the subsequent skyrocketing in the approval ratings for President George W. Bush. Upon deeper evaluation of this occurrence: when there is more of a relative calming of the people and the effects of war, both financially as well as the casualties incurred, the approval ratings are then subject to drop, one could say when â€Å"reality† sets in. (Rosalee Zoe, 111) The final source for the possible explanations behind drastic increases and decreases in a presidential approval rating is the state of the economy. An economy that is poorly performing will likely result in low approval ratings for the President and a prosperous economy to increase the approval rating. According to Kevin Hoover in his article â€Å"Phillips Curve†, during a low economic point there will be higher rates of unemployment and inflation. These two factors can have a substantial and negative impact on an individual’s livelihood. President Obama was elected during a time of economic strife due to many factors including a housing market crash as well as the weighing cost of the â€Å"War on Terror†. Even though Obama was not in the Presidential office during the onset of the war, nor was he to blame for the inevitable housing market crash, his approval rating suffered due to the onset of these events aftereffects. Bibliography Robert S. Erikson and Kent L. Tedin, American Public Opinion, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2011 Rosalee A. Clawson and Zoe M. Oxley, Public Opinion: Democratic Ideals, Democratic Practice. Washington D.C., 2013 The University of Texas at Austin. â€Å"Biased Sampling and Extrapolation.† Last modified August 28, 2012. Pelin Kesebir, Erik Phillips, Jackie Anson, Tom Pyszczynski, Matt Motyl, â€Å"Ideological Consistency across the Political Spectrum: Liberals are More Consistent but Conservatives Become More Consistent When Coping with Existential Threat† (February 11, 2013). John Sides, â€Å"Why Most Conservatives are Secretly Liberals,† The Washington Post, March 6, 2014. Gallup-a. â€Å"Conservatives Remain the Largest Ideological Group in U.S.† Last modified January 12, 2012. Gallup-b. â€Å"Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White† Last modified February 8, 2013 US History. â€Å"American Political Attitudes and Participation: What Factors Shape Political Attitudes?† Last modified January, 2013. Christopher Ellis and James A. Stimson, â€Å"Pathways to Ideology in American Politics: the Operational-Symbolic â€Å"Paradox† Revisited† Harold D. Clarke, David Sanders, Marianne C. Stewart and Paul Whitely, â€Å"The Dynamics of Party Identification,† in Political Choice in Britain, edited by Harold D. Clarke (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), 185-186. Franklin Marshall College. â€Å"The First Political Poll.† Last modified June 18, 2002. WK, Ph.D. Candidate, â€Å"The Role of Salience on the Relationship between Public Policy and Public Opinion† (Paper prepared for DC AAPOR Student Paper Competition, December 12, 2008)

Monday, July 22, 2019

Emergency Medical Technician and Past Firefighters Essay Example for Free

Emergency Medical Technician and Past Firefighters Essay Having to see other people get hurt and not being able to help happens to me a lately. In life many accidents occur whether we want them to or not. There are several movies like â€Å"The F456y7allen†, â€Å"Ablaze†, â€Å"Bad Day on the Block,† among others, that show how firefighters overcome the flames and save peoples’ lives while risking their own. Seeing these movies and looking at how accidents happen has inspired me to become what we call a â€Å"hero,† meaning a firefighter. To become an amazing leader such as a firefighter you need to be not only trustworthy and courageous, but you must also be able to work and communicate with other people under stressful conditions. One aspect of this profession that you not have considered is how incredibly varied and intense the job of a firefighter is. Firefighters solve many different kinds of problems every day, from simple medical emergencies to complex incidents like fires, floods, terrorist-related incidents and traffic accidents. In order to complete these tasks, they have to have courage. Although it is dangerous, they can save many people from dying or getting hurt. Being respected by many children and adults is something that makes me want to become a firefighter (Aspiring Firefighters). If you are wondering how much I would work, most commonly firefighters work in 24-hour shifts, reporting to work at 7:30 am and working until 7:30 am the next day. On the average firefighters work a total of 56 hours per week, but since these hours are worked on a continual basis, firefighters enjoy a lot of time off. On the average firefighters work ten 24-hour shifts each month, leaving them to enjoy 20 days each month where they are off duty. (Aspiring Firefighters) Firefighters are scared while performing their jobs. If any firefighter tells you that he or she has never been in fear for his or her life, they are either new to the fire service, don’t want to frighten you, or perhaps appear weak (Aspiring Firefighters). A fireman suit has three layers of structural firefighting gear. The outer layer, which is water resistant and protects from puncture, is usually made of a Nomex/Kevlar blend. The thermal layer protects from heat. The Moisture Barrier keeps most moisture out, this is also usually made from some sort of nomex/kevlar blend This suit usually weighs up to 60 pounds. Although this suit is heavy it isnt impossible to wear and with many practice i will be able to succeed in helping people. If i am selected to be a firefighter, I will have to go through several stages of rigorous training. This lasts 2 months, 5 days a week from 7am to 5PM. If I complete the firefighting portion you will move on to your EMT-B (emergency medical technician) class. This lasts 3 months, 5 days a week from 7AM to 5PM. You will also have 2 hours of physical training a day; this is usually running and weight training. If you complete your EMT-B you will move onto EVOC (emergency vehicle operation class). This lasts about 1 month, 5 days a week from 7AM to 5AM. Once your training is complete, you will be placed in a station where you will be required to complete a 1 year probation period under the supervision of a preceptor as well as the company officer. International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) is a time where the world’s community can recognise and honour the sacrifices that firefighters make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible. It is also a day in which current and past firefighters can be thanked for their contributions. There are many different qualities that make a firefighter a hero. They not only risk their lives to save other people’s, but they overcome many obstacles like having to go thru many different types of training, such as â€Å"EMT-B† and â€Å"EVOC†. They have to wear special clothing that weighs up to 60 pounds and work from about 7:30 am to 7:30 am the next day. Not every person could become a firefighter it takes courage, desire, and heart to be as dedicated to the job as these men and women are. I am definitely willing to overcome these obstacles to help and save many lives that are in danger. As renowned scholar and philosopher Joseph Campbell once said, â€Å"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. †

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Legal Requirements for Working With Children

Legal Requirements for Working With Children Identify the current legal requirements covering those working with children. Kindegartens, childminders, preschools, schools must be guided after Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is required by OFSTED. The EYFS requirements includes: the seven areas of learning and development; the early learning goals which must be achieved by the end of Reception school; the assessment requirements for assessing young children to ascertain their achievements and how and when practitioners have to discuss childrens progress with their parents. In the EYFS there are outcomes for each Area of Learning (ELG) which children have to achieve according to their age. Ill write few goals for each area: 1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development – children must be support and encourage to develop a positive sense of themselves and of others, to understand their feelings, to have confidence in their own abilities. Early Learning goals are: to be confident and enjoying playing in group; to form a good relationship with teachers and children; to work as a part of a class: take turns, sharing, nice behaviuor to be interested and motivate to learn. 2. Communication and Language – involves giving children opportunities to express themselves, to listen and speak in different situations. Early Learning goals are: interact with others, taking turns in conversation; use talk to express their feelings; listen and repeat words, phrases. 3. Literacy this goal aims to provide children with a large range of poems books and other reading materials and we have to encourage them to look in the books, to read and to write. The Early goals are: to hold book in right way and to turn pages; to explore sounds, words and phrases; to retell what they have read; to link sounds to letters of the alphabet. 4. Mathematics – children must be provided with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in describing shapes, spaces, measures, counting, using numbers, to understand the concept between â€Å"big† and â€Å"small† , â€Å"short† , â€Å"long† , â€Å"heavy† , â€Å"light† to notice shapes and patterns in pictures to represent numbers using fingers, sticks or other objects; to show an interest in representing numbers, shapes. 5. Understanding the World – this area involves to guide children to understand the world and community they live in through opportunities to explore, observe the environment, places, people, technology. The Early Learnings gols are: to ask questions about why things happen and how to work; to notice detailed features of objects in their environment; to match parts of objects that fit together; to understand and to know how things are used in different ways. 6. Expressive arts and design – involves providing children with a wide rage of media and materials to explore and play with it, as well to share their ideas, thoughts and feelings through a variety of art, dance, music movement, design and technology. For this area few goals are: to sing songs, to make music and dance and then to experiment with ways of changing them; being imaginative using what they have learned about media and materials in original ways; to express their feelings, thoughts through music, paint, craft. 7. Physical development – involves helping and encouraging children to be active and interactive and to improve their skills of coordination, manipulation and movement. As well we have to encourage children for healthy food choice. Childrens goals must be: move with control and safety in large or small movements; handle tools, objects, build towers from blocks; walk around, under, over, climbing equipment; children have to manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs such as: dressing/undressing, washing hands/face, going to the toilet independently. Understand the need for valuing individuality and how this can be supported in the child care setting. Usually in the setting there are children from different cultural backgrounds and all settings requires Children act 1989 which take account of childrens religion, cultural background, racial origin and linguistic background. All children have the right to a cultural identity and settings should recognise, respect and value the cultural identity of that child. Children learn quickly though playing, images, stories, songs that why practitioners should promote in the setting with positive images of all people, reflecting the wider society. Also, we have to ensure that people are shown in a positive light. For children, to understand diversity of society, one of the activity is to collect baby dolls from different ethnicities or to add to the doll house a ramp or a dollwith a wheelchair or crutches. Another way to support children to understand diversity is to ensure the dressing corner with clothes from different ethnicities. As well we can use images that can encourage positive discussion and perception of the world. Im working in Jewish setting and we have a topic â€Å"Festivals of light† which we discuss about different celebrations around the world and we have different activities according to these festivals. Below I will write a weekly planning for this topic for three areas of development. Personal, social, emotional development Physical development Expressive and design Monday Introducing the topic, circle time, talking about different celebrations around the world (Christmas, Chanukah, Diwali) Climbing steps to decorate the classroom with decorations. To make globes=liquid glue+glitter Tuesday Talking about different people celebrating different festivals. Who is celebrating from our class Chanukah, Christmas? Holding hands each other and dancing in the circle. Painting big candles= candle shape+yellow paint Wednesday How do we celebrate this festival in our own family? Dressing up and undressing with festivals clothes. Making Christmas tree=print circles on tree shape Thursday Talking about giving presents to our friends, be nice, kind with each other. Wrap presents with colourful paper. Decorating gift boxes with stickers Friday We make a summary of the topic. Party! Moving whole body: stamp feet, claps hands, twist, turn around, jump. fireworks=on black paper=paint=cotton sticks But respecting and valuing individuality is not just respecting childrens culture, also including children with special needs. All children have a right to a high quality childcare provision that meets their individual needs. And as a practitioner, we have to identify and remove the environmental barriers, for example: in consultation with childs parents, practitioners need to find out what lightings is good for a child with visual impairment. Or if a child uses crutches to move, the furniture in the setting should be altered to a better position to be more space and to put fewer activities in the same time but to be changed more frequently. Or if a child, or even a parent who uses wheelchair cannot get in the setting, a ramp need be built from concrete. 3.3 Identify the benefits of consistency with regard to positive and negative behaviour. Disciplining children take dedications and effort. Childrens character and their behaviour are forming from a very early age and consistency is the key to managing positive and negative behaviour. If we are offering positive consequences for good behaviours will encourager them to continue to have that behavior. But if we will provide negative consequences for misbehaviours will discourage the child to do that again. Also, consequences work best when applied immediately. Children understand better when they receive immediate feedback for their negative or positive behaviors. There are few points to encourage childrens good behavior: To be a good role model children usually copies adults actions; to show and say how we feel- we have to tell honestly how his behaviour affect us; to listen and communicate with children to understand their needs, to explain to them our expectations; to make the child feeling important- to ask him for help (â€Å"Please, can you help me to tidy up the toys†) and then to praise him. Another strategies to promote a positive behaviour are: Rewards systems-works well for young children, to help them manage their behaviors. We can use sticker charts which it should be displayed prominently in the classroom. For older children, sticker chart can work in another way: for example, if they earned three stickers they can have their favorite activity. Praise-is effective strategy which increase positive behaviors. Children love to get attention from adults and is good to let them know that we noticed how they are playing independently, waiting patiently, getting along with others or other positive behaviors. Positive reinforcement is a technique of behavior modification that is used to encourage good behavior. Positive reinforcement doesnt need to be a clear item, can be: giving a hug; using praises; giving a high five; or telling to another adult while the child is listening how proud you are of childs behavior. One of the best ways to provide a positive behavior is to allow children to help build the consequences if the rules are broken. Children are adept at pushing boundaries and its teacher responsibility to set the boundaries and to say â€Å"no† when children exhibit negative behaviors. Its very important to explain with a normal tone of voice to a child why they shouldnt repeat the behavior and teaching them how to behave. If they are pushing too much the boundaries, as adult, we have to apply immediately a negative consequence to deter them from repeating mishbehaviour. As I said, consistency is a key of addressing negative behaviour. As long we remind to the child of the consequences all the time they behave negatively, they soon will learn what is acceptable and what is not? Time-out is a good strategy for childrens disciplines and should be used as a consequence and not a punishment. The time out is effective because removes the child from all reinforcements that may encourage mishbehaviors and we need to have a specific place for time-out free of distractions and can provide to child with opportunity to calm down and to think at his behavior. We can use a timer and usually oneminute per oneyear of age. 3.4 Discuss ways in which conflict can be managed between children, and children and adults. Many children have difficulty with sharing, taking turns or finding appropriate ways to get their unmet needs. In this situation, teachers issue is how to manage a childs behaviour and to resolve a conflict. Is important in the nursery to be set few rules for childrens mishbehaviors and to ensure that are clear. Is good to involve children in making the rules and we have to explain why the rules are important. Usually children in nurseries have misbehavior such as bite or kick other children because of frustration or curiosity, but it can be it can be painful for children and adults involved. In this situation we have to: hug the child who was hurt and to give the minimal attention to the child who the aggressor; explain in simple words/sentences that biting/kicking is not good; and reminds to the child that he has to use words to ask for what he wants, rather than using aggression. There are few simple steps that adults can use immediately to assist children and learning them how to resolve a conflict: Help children to calm down- children when are faced with conflict, they can be full of emotions and not ready to cooperate with adult that why adult first need to speak with child using a calm voice; Discuss wants and needs- all children who are implicated in a conflict need to have a chance to say what they want or what they need. We have to listen the child and to approve nodding, to say short phrases or repeating what he said: â€Å"You really wanted that toy, but Jack had it in his hands?† Define the problem- after the child had a chance to say what he wants or what he needs, you will have to make this â€Å"want† or â€Å"need† into one neutral statement saying: â€Å"Hmmm, I see that both off you want to play with the same toy† Help the child to find a solution- in many cases it can be more ease just to tell children what they should do, but its not an opportunity to learn them how to solve their own problems. Children can learn this skill just from trial and error. That why we have to support and encourage children to find solutions to solve a conflict and both parties should be involved coming with solutions. Take a look at the solution- not all solutions that children suggest can work, and if a problem will continue adult need to begin the process over. Adult need to stay nearby to support the solution and praise the children when problem was solved: â€Å"Well done children, I see you found a way to take turns with the toy†. Reference list: Department for Education. (2012). The Learning And Development Requirements. Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. 1 (2), 3-10. Department of education. (2012). Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. The learning and development requirements. 1 (1), 6-31. Innis, G. (2013). Young children can learn how to resolve conflicts with adult guidance and support. Available: Last accessed 30.10.2014. Morin, A (2014). Discipline Kids with Positive and Negative Consequences. Available: Last accessed 29.10.2014. Raising Children Network. (2006). Encouraging good behaviour. Available: Last accessed 29.10.2014. Road, A. (2004). OBSERVING CHILD BEHAVIOUR. Available: Last accessed 01.11.2014. Smith,M. (2010). Valuing and respecting individuality. Develop positive relationships with children, young people and others involved in their care. 3.5 (3), 154-157. Thornes, N.. (2012). Basic Behaviour Theory and Techniques. Analysing the Antecedents and Consequences of a Behaviour. 5 (1), 50-64. Walker, M(2011). Childrenyoung peoples workforce. 3rd ed. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd.. 52-63. Legal Requirements for Working with Children Legal Requirements for Working with Children To summarise the current legal requirements for those working with children. This should include reference to the 6 learning goals and how they could be implemented in a child care setting. History The Childcare Act 2006 became a law on 11 July 2006, and it is the first ever legislation exclusively concerned with early years and childcare, ‘according to‘: [1] â€Å"â€Å". This Act is concerned with providing positive outcomes for a child at risk of poverty, focusing on child matters like (safety, health, economic wellbeing, enjoying and achieving a positive contribution) and is also concerned with bringing the inequalities that may exist between children. The Act introduces the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for terms regarding children aged up to 5 years and this is a frame work that aims to support child care providers in delivering integrated early education and care for children. Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. The Childcare Act 2006 provides for the early years foundation stage learning and development. THE EARLY LEARNING GOAL This is knowledge, skills and understand which young children should have acquired by end of the academic year until they reach the age of 5. The areas covered under the learning goals are set below: [2] Personal, social and emotional development Self-confidence and self-awareness: Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. They can speak among regular friends in a group, and share their ideas, and will choose the means they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help. Managing feelings and behaviour: Children can talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. For instance, ‘washing hands before eating.’ Making relationships: Children play co-operatively, taking turns with others. They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity. They show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other children. Understanding the world People and communities: Get children to talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. This method can open children’s mind about different culture maybe and so forth. The world: Children know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. Technology: To make children aware of different technology is offered in different places and depending on situations is needed such as laptops at home and in schools they have computers for instance. This is good to keep children mind entertained with information on technologies. Physical development Moving and handling: Keep in track of children’s body control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing or colouring and so forth. Literacy Reading: Can children read and understand simple sentences? The phonic system is used to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. With practice children can pick up words and say them easily next time. This can demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read. Writing: Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple  sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly  and others are phonetically plausible. Mathematics Numbers: Children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20. Anything after 20 will be difficult for young children so with practice this can be done. Shape, space and measures: Children use everyday language to talk about size,  weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects  and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore  characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to  describe them. Expressive arts and design Exploring and using media and materials: Children like to look at their song on TV and listen to the song and sing it at the same time. They can also safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture,  form and function. Being imaginative: Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in  original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. For example, they can sing back to their friends the song they have learned by watching it in the TV. Explain what is meant by respecting and valuing individuality, and devise plan of how this can be implemented in the child care setting, a table format may be used in this task. Each member of staff within a childcare setting has a responsibility for the children in their care for the children’s well-being, learning and development. Each child therefore is valued and respected by all staff showing that they respect each child as a individual, realising each child has different strengths and weaknesses. By valuing and respecting children, positive relationships can be build up between staff, parents and children, this shows good practise by the setting, and if the setting has a proportion of children from different culture background, there could be a set day each month where a world day celebrates a particular child’s culture. This includes food, religion, cloths, songs etc†¦ and involves the rest of children by knowing and researching about different cultures. ACTION HOW BY WHOM ACHIEVED BY COMPLETED ALL STAFF TO EXPLAIN IN SETTING THE DIFFERENT CULTURES. The child care setting should be filled with images that encourage positive discussions and perceptions of the world offering different cultures and positive role models. Every child contributes to their culture. Get parents also involved in this task to see and observe how their children value others and respect them. Set the date completed of this task. REALIZE THE STRENGHTS AND WEAKNESSES OF CHILDREN. Providing good routines when children are interacting in a formal environment such as sitting down in a one place and have lunch together using the right cutlery and table manners, talking politely to each other and instilling good hygiene habits like washing hands or plates. This action can be observed from the staff and parents. Children achieve this themselves. Set the date completed of this task. Evaluate the benefits of consistency with regards to positive and negative behaviour and identify strategies that can be used to encourage positive behaviour in the child care setting. Making Consistency More Effective in negative/positive behaviour. If parents shows consistency in disciplining the child then this is a good thing, For example, if a younger child is hit by an older child and no consistency in punishment is being taken against the older child then he she will repeat it but if rigorous punishment is taken all the time then the child thinks twice on repeating their negative behaviour and the same can be said about positive behaviour. For example, If kids have to wait two weeks to earn a reward, it may not reinforce good behaviours today. Offering an immediate positive consequence will increase the chances the child will repeat that behaviour. Strategy (1) QUIET TIME. Quiet time, is a perfect time for children to just sit quietly and calm down and it helps staff to simply get on with work with minimum disruption. A child can be taken to quiet time without the whole class knowing and it is most effective when staff simply, quietly and calmly walk up to a child and ask them to come to quiet time. Quiet time is not about making a child feel bad but an opportunity for a child to be taken out of a disruptive situation and as a consequence for unwanted behaviour. This way staff are far more likely to end unwanted behaviour rather than temporarily distract a child from it. [3] Strategy (2) INTERACTION Read books with children, or play games with them. This is a great way to interact with them. Strategy (3) ROLEPLAY Role play examples of appropriate behaviours to teach children how to succeed in social interactions. Give children scenarios such as â€Å"What if you want a toy that someone else is using?† Discuss possibilities and help children try out their ideas. For example: â€Å"Can I use that puzzle when you’re done?† or â€Å"can I borrow your book when you are finished?† Strategy (4) WATCH CLOSELY Give great yet positive re-marks when a child does good like, ‘I’ve noticed you said hello to your friend’. ‘Well done for this so I will give you a sticker of achievement for this.’ Strategy (5) BEING SPECIFIC Be specific with feedback when giving attention, so children understand what behaviour is appropriate. Try: â€Å"The two of you were so helpful working together to bring chairs to the table.† instead of â€Å"Good job.† Describe the process involved in managing conflict between children and adults. You should at least refer to at least one behavioural theorist in you answer. What is conflict? Killen and Nucci define conflict as two children independently pursuing personal goals that happen to bring them into conflict (Arsenio Cooperman, 1996). [4] Conflict is a common occurrence for children. Many have asked â€Å"Is conflict healthy or unhealthy?† When looking at discipline, should conflict be seen as misbehaviour or a learning experience? Piaget believed that conflict in children was healthy, and if worked through, would help children to overcome their egocentric thought patterns (Arsenio Cooperman, 1996). Many young children have difficulty sharing, waiting their turn, or finding appropriate ways to get their needs fulfilled. Conflicts between children can be a daily occurrence with preschoolers and Michigan State University Extension states that â€Å"guiding children’s behaviour is an ongoing process.†[5] There are some worthy steps that adults can begin using immediately to assist children in learning how to resolve conflict. The steps take practice by the children who are learning them and patience by the adult who is modelling and teaching the steps. Help children calm down. Often when children are faced with conflict they are full of emotion and are not ready to begin a process of calmness. Approaching the child gently at his/hers eye level and use soft touch. Acknowledge that there is an issue and suggest some ways to calm down. â€Å"I see that you have a problem. It looks like you might need to take a few deep breaths to relax a little.† Stay neutral! When adults attempt to find blame in a conflict the situation can easily escalate strong emotions. Children at this point need to feel they are being heard in order to calm down. Talk about wants and needs. All children who are involved in a conflict need to have an opportunity to express what it is that they want or need. Stay focused on the ‘want’ and don’t focus on what happened. Reflect what the child is feeling by acknowledging his feelings with a head nod, short phrases, or repeating what he is saying in a clear manner. â€Å"You really wanted that toy and Joey had it in his hand.† Give the child’s feeling a name. â€Å"It is frustrating to want something that someone else has.† Define the problem. After getting the child to voice his want or need you will have to turn the issue into one neutral statement. Repeat what the children involved in the conflict are saying in a clear statement. â€Å"Hmmm, I see that two children want to play with the same toy.† WORD COUNT: 2027 REFERENCES: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Story From America :: essays research papers

A Story From America August 14th 1960, I was working late at the office that night. It was like one of those nights that gives you shiver, when you think about them. The cold air was tickling me in the neck, when it slowly blowed into the room from the open window. The lights from the street made me so annoyed that I hartly could find and read the papers I was looking for. Finally I found them, they were hiding in my personal archive of cases connected with murder. My attention suddenly breaks when my secretary, a young talented woman with many unusual skills, approaches the office. She always talks, normaly I just pretend to listen, but this time I could feel something was different. She had an idea, maybe she had found a clue, in the case which had gone on my nerves for the last three weeks. “Cooper !';, she manages to pronounce before she throws some papers on my desk. “Do you remember, when we were investigating Mrs Alpher’s apartment ?';. “Yes, what is it ?'; I say, trying to find out what’s on her mind. “You see, until now we haven’t found anyone that possibly could have gone into Mrs Alpher’s apartment, without anyone noticing him or her';. “You’ve got a point there';, I responded, what was on her mind ? That blue dress certainly showed her fine curves, actually I coundn’t get her of my mind most of the time. “Well, her apartment lies on the corner of Main Street and Baker Street, there’re three windows, one on Baker St. and one Main St. plus one in the middle. That night Mrs Alpher was shot, it was very warm, and if she then had a window open. A person could have shot her in hers apartment, from his or hers own window';, she looked satisfied after finishing her composing. “So what you’re trying to say, is that we maybe could find the murder in one of the apartments opposite Mrs Alpher’s windows';. The idea wasn’t bad at all I thoungt, she opened the new cupboard to get some files. “OK. we’ll go over to her apartment right away';. It was quite strange to enter the apartment, it had an unusual structure, but also it had a certain charm with it’s three windows in the end of the living room. I tryed to picture what had been going on that evening Mrs Alpher was shot. A Story From America :: essays research papers A Story From America August 14th 1960, I was working late at the office that night. It was like one of those nights that gives you shiver, when you think about them. The cold air was tickling me in the neck, when it slowly blowed into the room from the open window. The lights from the street made me so annoyed that I hartly could find and read the papers I was looking for. Finally I found them, they were hiding in my personal archive of cases connected with murder. My attention suddenly breaks when my secretary, a young talented woman with many unusual skills, approaches the office. She always talks, normaly I just pretend to listen, but this time I could feel something was different. She had an idea, maybe she had found a clue, in the case which had gone on my nerves for the last three weeks. “Cooper !';, she manages to pronounce before she throws some papers on my desk. “Do you remember, when we were investigating Mrs Alpher’s apartment ?';. “Yes, what is it ?'; I say, trying to find out what’s on her mind. “You see, until now we haven’t found anyone that possibly could have gone into Mrs Alpher’s apartment, without anyone noticing him or her';. “You’ve got a point there';, I responded, what was on her mind ? That blue dress certainly showed her fine curves, actually I coundn’t get her of my mind most of the time. “Well, her apartment lies on the corner of Main Street and Baker Street, there’re three windows, one on Baker St. and one Main St. plus one in the middle. That night Mrs Alpher was shot, it was very warm, and if she then had a window open. A person could have shot her in hers apartment, from his or hers own window';, she looked satisfied after finishing her composing. “So what you’re trying to say, is that we maybe could find the murder in one of the apartments opposite Mrs Alpher’s windows';. The idea wasn’t bad at all I thoungt, she opened the new cupboard to get some files. “OK. we’ll go over to her apartment right away';. It was quite strange to enter the apartment, it had an unusual structure, but also it had a certain charm with it’s three windows in the end of the living room. I tryed to picture what had been going on that evening Mrs Alpher was shot.